From Steve Fox:
Dear All:
Friday’s program has a little bit of everything, some fun, some serious detective work, some argument, some collaboration and something to learn.
In recent weeks, a small number of attorneys have been putting together the most flawed chapter 13 plan they can devise. Some flaws are obvious; others are subtle. Some flaws are policy issues; some flaws are red herrings. Some tweaks to the plan are meant to stir thought. The program will require all attending attorneys and judges to form into small groups and to put their heads together and develop lists of these flaws. The groups with the best lists will earn prizes. When time for the groups is up, we will reconvene as a whole and analyze the plan together.
If you do not do chapter 13 work, you still want to attend the program. One, creditor attorneys will enjoy finding the flaws and issues. Second, you will learn a lot about plan drafting and that learning can transfer over to chapter 11 plans. Third, most MCLE programs could be a lot more interesting; this one will be.