5/15/15 – San Fernando Valley Bar Association; The Messed Up Chapter 13 Plan and the Hunt Through the Brier Patch

From Steve Fox:

Dear All:

Friday’s program has a little bit of everything, some fun, some serious detective work, some argument, some collaboration and something to learn.

In recent weeks, a small number of attorneys have been putting together the most flawed chapter 13 plan they can devise. Some flaws are obvious; others are subtle. Some flaws are policy issues; some flaws are red herrings. Some tweaks to the plan are meant to stir thought. The program will require all attending attorneys and judges to form into small groups and to put their heads together and develop lists of these flaws. The groups with the best lists will earn prizes. When time for the groups is up, we will reconvene as a whole and analyze the plan together.

If you do not do chapter 13 work, you still want to attend the program. One, creditor attorneys will enjoy finding the flaws and issues. Second, you will learn a lot about plan drafting and that learning can transfer over to chapter 11 plans. Third, most MCLE programs could be a lot more interesting; this one will be.

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Corinthian Colleges, Inc. First Day Declaration

I love these first day declarations.  Really gives you a lot of information about what has been going on and what they expect to happen in the chapter 11 case.  You can access the declaration here.  Corinthian First Day

U.S. Bankruptcy Court
District of Delaware (Delaware)
Bankruptcy Petition #: 15-10952-KJC

Assigned to: Kevin J. Carey
Chapter 11

Date filed: 05/04/2015

341 meeting: 06/12/2015

Corinthian Colleges, Inc.
6 Hutton Centre Drive, Suite 400
Santa Ana, CA 92707
Tax ID / EIN: 33-0717312

represented by
Rachel Layne Biblo
Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A.
One Rodney Square
920 North King Street
Wilmington, DE 19801
Email: Biblo@rlf.com

5/21/15 – CLB Event: Winning Strategies for Debtor and Creditor Counsel

Orange County Bar Association
Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section Meeting
May 21, 2015
11:45 AM – 1:30 PM
Tustin Ranch Golf Club

Individual Chapter 11s – Winning Strategies for Debtors and Creditors Counsel

The panelists will discuss multiple issues that arise in individual Chapter 11 cases, and provide tips and strategies for successfully practicing in this area. This program seeks to provide practice-based advice and solutions for navigating this complicated area of law that often involves new and evolving legal issues. Topics will include: budgets; tax issues such as short year elections; lien stripping; the anti-lien modification statute; property of the estate; strategies for confirming or objecting to a plan; cram down and absolute priority rule strategies; post-confirmation plan modification; case closing and discharge issues; and issues arising upon appointment of a chapter 11 trustee.

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May 16, 2015

Presented by:
Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Association

Hon. Vincent P. Zurzolo, United States Bankruptcy Court, Los Angeles Division
Nancy B. Clark, Borowitz and Clark
Christian Cooper, Public Counsel

Southwestern Law School
3050 Wilshire Boulevard
Westmoreland Building – 3rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010

Parking is $ 10 .00

Registration: 10:00am – 11:00am
cdcbaa Membership Meeting: 10:30 am – 11:00 am
Program: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

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5/19/15 – The James T. King Bankruptcy Inn of Court

The James T. King Bankruptcy Inn of Court will meet on Tuesday, May 19, 2015 at 6:00 p.m.

Your hosts for the evening will be Co-Presidents Dennis McGoldrick and Hon. Scott Clarkson

We will be meeting at the Taix French Restaurant located at:

1911 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026

Pupillage Teams 4 and 5 will be presenting

5/13/15 – FBA-LA Reception Honoring the Federal Judiciary

Los Angeles Federal Bar Association
Reception Honoring the Federal Judiciary

Come join us in honoring the members of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, United States District Court for the Central District of California, United States Magistrate Judges for the Central District of California and the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California at our Annual Reception Honoring the Federal Judiciary .

Magnificently restored, the former Tower Room is once again the jewel in the crown of Los Angeles City Hall.  The room is atop the City Hall Tower, which rises 27 floors above Spring and Main Streets, and for decades was the tallest structure in Los Angeles.  The restoration of City Hall following the Northridge Earthquake included the ornate ceiling decorations, art deco lighting fixtures, and huge windows looking out to an observation deck with 360 degree views over the city. Following its restoration, the room has been named in honor of Mayor Tom Bradley.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015
5:00 p.m. – Registration
Program: 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

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My Prediction on Bullard v. Hyde Park Savings Bank was Right Thank You

On December 21, 2014, I wrote for the NACTT Academy:

“This seems like a no-brainer to me.  Bankruptcy courts, at least in the Central District of California, deny chapter 13 plans all day giving debtors a chance to sharpen their pencils.  If every one of those could be appealed, the system would certainly go tilt.  Plus, the appeals would often become moot when a new plan is confirmed assuming the bankruptcy court would not allow the case to sit during the pendency of the appeal.  If the case is ultimately dismissed during the appeal, there would be new facts to put before the court of appeals which would be in the middle of reviewing the old facts.  A conundrum for sure.”

I’ll tell you more about the 9-0 ruling this afternoon.

Seventh Annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tournament

From the always entertaining Jeff Hagen:

Seventh Annual (2015) Earle Hagen Memorial Golf, Tennis And Poker Tournament

Happy Mothers’ Day to all of you mothers out there!  And to those of you who have always wanted to be a mother, are toying with the idea of becoming a mother, expect to be a mother, are an expectant mother, or even if you’ve just been called a mother (or something similar)!

The SEVENTH Annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf, Tennis And Poker Tournament is coming on Monday September 21, 2015…at the Porter Valley Country Club in Northridge.  It’s only four plus months away!

What better way to celebrate Mothers’ Day than to buy your favorite mother a ticket to the Seventh Annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf, Tennis And Poker Tournament?

Is it too early to sign up?  Absolutely NOT!  Sign up now and forget about it.  Well…maybe I should rephrase that…I’m not suggesting that you should forget to show up!  I mean, sign up, and not have to think about the paperwork again.

Can you just show up unannounced?  Of course!  Everyone who brings enough money is welcome!  So what if we run out of food because you didn’t register in advance?  You’re supporting a worthy cause!

As most if not all of you know by now, the bankruptcy community lost James T. King–Rabbi Jimmy as I so fondly referred to him–to cancer on 02/09/2015.  This year’s Tournament will include a special tribute to Jim.  Let’s honor and salute Rabbi Jimmy’s dedication to raising funds for Public Counsel in general, and his inspirational leadership of this Tournament through its first six years in particular, by making this the best attended, most successful Tournament yet!

You don’t play golf, tennis or poker?  Not a problem!  Come at a reduced price and have a ton ‘o fun at the dinner, silent auction, and hosted (open/free/gratis) bar.  Or just contribute to a very worthy cause!  And please keep in mind that the Tournament is designed to be fun for those that have never played before.  Come on out and hack away (don’t worry, we have plenty of insurance…I think…)!

Why attend, you ask?

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What’s Not a Claim In Bankruptcy?

Before joining his firm, I visited Professor Hayes’ Bankruptcy class which he teaches at the University of West Los Angeles. The topic of the day was “claims.”  As we parsed through the case law, I gave the students a hint, if there is any question whether something is a claim, it’s a claim! In fact, I couldn’t think of something that wasn’t a claim! Read more…

Congratulations to Roksana Moradi

Our associate (we call her the CEO) got two more chapter 11 Plans confirmed today.  That makes 22 in the last 18 months.  Congratulations Roksana!