LA County Bar Program on Practicing in the Central District

This program looks pretty good.

2015 Federal Practice in the Central District: Changes, Trends, and Updates
Presented by: Litigation Section Read more…

Trust Beneficiary Has Limited Standing To Object in Chapter 11 says Ninth Circuit (IN THE MATTER OF: TOWER PARK PROPERTIES, LLC)

This Opinion interested me because a few weeks earlier I read about this infamous Beverly Hills property battle in the Hollywood Reporter.

For those interested in the juicy Hollywood fight about the property mentioned in this Opinion, see here:

For those interested in the Ninth Circuit Opinion, please see my brief below.

In re: Tower Park Properties LLC, Ninth Circuit. 

To have standing in federal court – you must satisfy three requirements:  (1) statutory standing (i.e. one afforded under the Bankruptcy Code), (2) constitutional standing under Article III, and (3) prudential standing.  In re Thorpe Insulation Co., 677 F.3d 869, 883–84 (9th Cir. 2012).

In this case, a Trust Beneficiary was objecting to the settlement agreement between the debtor, the Trust (as a creditor) and former trustees.   The Ninth Circuit held that the Trust Beneficiary did not have statutory standing under §1109(b), and as such, the Court did not even consider the two other standing requirements.

As a rule, to have standing to be heard in Chapter 11 proceedings, you must be a “party in interest,” which includes, but not exclusive of, the debtor, trustee, creditors (or committee), equity security holder (or its committee), indenture trustee.  Section 1109(b).    The word “party in interest” is not defined.

Ninth Circuit has said that a “party in interest” is one who has a “legally protected interest that could be affected by a bankruptcy proceeding.”  In re Thorpe.   But, an entity “that may suffer collateral damage” but does not have a legally protected interest does not have standing under § 1109(b).  Id.

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Chapter 13 Trustee Rod Danielson New Address

    Rod Danielson
   Chapter 13 Trustee
3787 University Avenue
Riverside, CA 92501

Columbus Day Golf Tournament

On Monday October 12, 2015, the Valley Community Legal Foundation will be holding a Columbus Day Golf Tournament with proceeds to benefit lawyers for veterans that are homeless.

If you like to golf, this is a great way to meet nonbankruptcy attorneys and judges. If you do not like to golf, there is an option to sponsor a veteran who will golf in your place. This is a great organization that needs your help. You can find out more about the tournament here.

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Comments from Hank Hildebrand on Conduit Payments

From Hank Hildebrand, Chapter 13 Trustee in Nashville


I have long held the belief that the trustee of a confirmed plan should be the one making all of the payments that are provided in the plan, whether or not those payments will be fully satisfied during the tenure of the trustee.  So, I have always been a “conduit” trustee, even though I have often (though not always) refrained from opposing a chapter 13 plan where the debtor was making the post-petition payments (the “conduit” payment) if the debtor was current at the time of filing and had been current during the past couple of years.  If the debtor had a default, I would oppose confirmation of the plan on feasibility grounds.

I have also had the opportunity to observe a significant number of jurisdictions with and without the “conduit” component in their chapter 13 plans.  All of us that are “conduit” trustees have seen the result:  More cases complete (Jean Braucher did a study 20 years ago that appeared to find that it was one of three elements that lead to plan completion – the other two are app payments by payroll deduction and attorneys are paid and stay committed over time).  Read more…

Legal Specialist Exam Deadline Approaching

From the Board of Legal Specialization of the California State Bar

I’d like to take a moment to personally encourage you to take action by October 1, and to consider becoming a certified specialist and register for the examination by the October 1, 2015 deadline.  I have found it very beneficial to be a board certified specialist, and I’d like you to also enjoy the same advantages.  One of my colleagues explains it well here:  Legal Specialization Offers Unique Perks.   Read more…

Thursday, November 12, 2015 – Public Counsel – Understanding Chapter 13

To all attorneys:

You are invited to UNDERSTANDING CHAPTER 13, an MCLE program that will introduce you to the fundamentals of Chapter 13 bankruptcy law. It is approved for four (4) hours of MCLE credit

The program is presented by Public Counsel, and is cosponsored by cdcbaa and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California. Lunch will be provided.

DATE: Thursday, November 12, 2015
TIME: 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Roybal Federal Building, 255 E. Temple St., Los Angeles, CA 90012
FLOOR: 12th Floor
ROOM: Assembly Room 1268 Read more…

Thursday, October 29, 2015 – U.S. Trustee Brownbag – 341(a)’s

The U.S. Trustee is hosting a unique Brownbag program on Thursday, October 29, 2015 from noon to 1:30 p.m. We will be discussing issues and concerns related to all matters 341(a)—particularly the rules and rationale behind the smooth and effective conduct of this essential piece of the bankruptcy process.

Proposed topics include:  Read more…

RE: San Fernando Valley Bar Association September 25, 2015, (12 noon) Bankruptcy Section Program on Tentative Opinions of the Woodland Hills Judges

Dear All: 

This is just a reminder that the Bankruptcy Section of the San Fernando Valley Bar Association is hosting a panel discussion this Friday, September 25, 2015, at 12 noon in the bar association’s office in Tarzana on selected tentative opinions of the Woodland Hills bankruptcy judges. Read more…

Improving Chapter 13?: Some Thoughts on Dear Congress

We had a thoughtful and very entertaining program at Southwestern Law School yesterday.  It was the cdcbaa Second Annual Jim King Bankruptcy Symposium.  Headliners were Judges Keith Lundin from Tennessee and our own Meredith Jury, Hank Hildebrand, the irrepressible chapter 13 trustee in Nashville, and Prof. Katie Porter from the University of California, Irvine.

Judge Lundin (leading with his nose basically) suggested a number of ways to improve the chapter 13 practice here in the central district of California. Read more…