9th Circuit Panel Chosen for In re Zachary

The 9th Circuit has finally chosen the three justices who will hear In re Zachary.   They are Richard Paez, Mary Murguia, and  Andrew Hurwitz.  Judge Paez wrote the Bellingham decision and I think is a friend of bankruptcy debtors.  Mary Murguia was appointed by Obama in 2011.  She is one of seven children of parents who emigrated from Mexico in 1950.  Andrew Hurwitz is also an Obama appointee from 2011.  He successfully represented several death row inmates before the Supreme Court in Ring v. Arizona getting a ruling that juries rather than judges make the factual determinations of whether there is aggravating circumstances to merit the death penalty.

I like this panel.  I am rooting of course for affirmation of In re Friedman.  Oral argument is 10/21 at Stanford.

Jim King Oral History is Available on the Penn Law National Bankruptcy Archives Website

Take a look.  Jim and I did this oral history together about 10 weeks before he passed.  Access Jim King Oral History.

Not All Conflicts of Interest Can Be Waived!

At the James T. King Bankruptcy Inn of Court, we discussed whether certain fact patterns resulted in actual conflicts. The issues became “as clear as mud” when an attorney cited California Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 3-310.

Rule 3-310 states, in pertinent part:

(C) A member shall not, without the informed written consent of each client:

(2) Accept or continue representation of more than one client in a matter in which the interests of the clients actually conflict; or

Read more…

Rule 9011 is Applied Much More Harshly to Bankruptcy Cases than its Rule 11 Counterpart!

At this month’s Southern California Bankruptcy Inn of Court meeting, now called the James T. King Inn of Court, we had a lively discussion regarding whether attorneys may engage in litigation for the purpose of harassing the other party.

The room was fairly evenly split with half saying absolutely not while the other half focused on whether the litigation was meritorious.

It turns out the issue is more complicated than that. In summary, if the litigation is engaged in and proceeds under Bankruptcy Law, then the litigation cannot proceed if brought for an improper purpose such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation. Read more…

Dance Moms Star Indicted For Bankruptcy Fraud

Abby Lee Miller, choreographer and one of the stars of Lifetime’s “Dance Moms,” has been indicted on charges of bankruptcy fraud, concealment of bankruptcy assets, and false bankruptcy declarations — a 20-count indictment. The press release from the Western District of Pennsylvania U.S. Attorney’s Office can be found here. Read more…

The Los Angeles Superior Court is Grinding to a Halt! Rant No. 2

Our office filed a Motion for Entry of a Judgment in LASC pursuant to CCP 644.6.  This is a ministerial act.  CCP 664.6 says that if the parties settle, they can dismiss the case under 664.6  If the settlement is defaulted, i.e., someone doesn’t do what they are supposed to do, the other side files a motion reopening the case so that a judgment may be entered.  The judgment to be entered is worked out as part of the settlement, it is not reviewed at the 664.6 motion or even discussed.  At the hearing on the motion, the judge says “Okay the case is reopened… the judgment is entered…the case is reclosed… thanks for coming.”  It is a ministerial act.  It should be done by a clerk.

We filed the motion under 664.6 on June 9, 2015.  The clerk set the hearing for September 30, 2015 – nearly four months later!  The court of course granted the motion and we are waiting for entry of judgment.  The other side has filed a Motion to Reconsider.  That motion is set for March 9, 2016!  Five months later.  The motion to reconsider will not slow down our efforts to collect on the judgment except to the extent that the Sheriff or some other official person will be confused by the motion and refused to enforce the judgment. Read more…

Doing My Taxes – Calling My Son for Advice

My oldest son Joshua, the proud father of my two grandsons, is a CPA with a large firm in Phoenix.  I called him with a quick question on my taxes.  I am doing them today because I don’t want to wait until the last minute, Thursday.  He told me he is reviewing a return in his office now – an individual Form 1040 – that is 5,000 pages, literally and no joking!  The taxpayer obviously makes a lot of money.  My son said also that they shipped a return recently and the FedEx charge was $1,800.  I love the politicians that say they will make the code simple by reducing the brackets to a single bracket or two.  Right.

cdcbaa Program on Appeals


October 17, 2015


Judge Barry Russell, United States Bankruptcy Court

Susan Spraul, Clerk of the Ninth Circuit BAP

Kathleen McCarthy Read more…

Bankruptcy Inn of the Court First Meeting this Tuesday

The James T. King Bankruptcy Inn of Court is scheduled to meet 6 times this 2015-2016 year:

October 13, 2015,
November 10, 2015, February 9,2016
March 8, 2016, May 10, 2016, June 14, 2016

at 6:00 p.m. for the reception and 6:30 p.m. dinner and presentation by pupilage teams Read more…

Judge Bason Motions to Avoid Lien

Dear Colleagues!

This morning (Oct 8), Judge Bason announced that All Motions to Avoid Lien should now be scheduled for 8:30 and no longer at 11:00 on Ch13 calendaring days. Just for assistance, the remaining NB Ch13 dates for this year are: 10/29, 11/19 & 12/17.

Keith Higginbotham