All posts in Pro Bono

Earle Hagen Memorial Golf & Tennis Tournament

I hope you will join us for the 2013 Earle Hagen Memorial Golf & Tennis Tournament taking place on Monday, September 30, 2013 at Porter Valley Country Club!

Proceeds from the Earle Hagen Memorial Golf & Tennis Tournament will go towards the support of Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project (“DAP”).

For over a decade, Public Counsel’s DAP has helped thousands of individuals to navigate the bankruptcy system when they are no longer able to support their families while struggling under crushing debt loads, as well as assist innocent victims of fraud. Individuals like Ajamu Azibo, who was the unfortunate victim of both identity theft and “bankruptcy hijacking.” Mr. Azibo visited the Los Angeles Bankruptcy Self-Help Desk for assistance to find out how a bankruptcy could be fraudulently filed in his name without his knowledge, and what he could do to fix the situation. He was confused, and also concerned about what effect the filing might have on his job. Fortunately, Public Counsel was there to help. Public Counsel successfully represented him in an expungement motion, and his case was featured on public radio station 89.3, KPCC-FM. KPCC reporter Ruxandra Guidi interviewed Mr. Azibo, and his story aired on KPCC. Attached hereto is a Press Clip of Mr. Azibo’s story. However, Mr. Azibo is only one example of a client Public Counsel’s DAP is able to assist due to your continued support.

Public Counsel’s DAP provides greatly needed pro bono legal services to over 4,000 individuals and families every year by:

-providing counsel and advise at the Los Angeles Self Help Desk;
-guiding pro se litigants in the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process at monthly Chapter 7 clinics;
-advising pro se litigants regarding their rights at monthly reaffirmation hearings in the Los Angeles and Woodland Hills divisions;
-representing consumer debtors in Chapter 7 pro bono cases; and
-defending consumers against non-meritorious non-dischargeability complaints.

Your participation at the Tournament is one way you can support our work and help make a difference in the lives of individuals of those most vulnerable in our community.  I would greatly appreciate your assistance in forwarding this information to friends and colleagues interested in being a part of this great event. Also, if you would like to be a Tee sponsor, please contact Jim King at (818) 242-1100 or via email at

Thank you for volunteering with Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project!


Thank you for volunteering with Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project! Your pro bono participation makes it possible to provide legal assistance, guidance and representation to over 4,000 individuals and families every year at the Los Angeles Self-Help desk, Chapter 7 pro se clinics, reaffirmation hearings in Los Angeles and Woodland Hills, and pro bono placement of Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases and adversary proceedings.


We recently worked collaboratively with the United States Bankruptcy Court in producing two educational videos about the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process. We are happy to announce that the first Chapter 7 educational video is now available on our website. It is about 35 minutes long and is a video-taped overview of Part 1 of the presentation we provide clients at our monthly Chapter 7 pro se clinics.

The link to the Chapter 7 Overview video presentation:

The link is available on Public Counsel’s website under the News Section/videos and is titled “Overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Alternatives to Bankruptcy.”

This project took several months to coordinate with dedicated staff from the United States Bankruptcy Court and wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance with disseminating this video is to clients, organizations or any programs who could benefit from having this information.

The second video will be available later this summer. We will forward you a link once it becomes available.

Thank you again!

Warmest regards,


Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux

Supervising Attorney

Public Counsel

Consumer Law Project &

Debtor Assistance Project

Chapter 7 Educational Video

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce that the first Chapter 7 educational video is now available on our website. It is about 40 minutes long and is a video-taped overview of the presentation we provide clients at our monthly Chapter 7 pro se clinics. As we mentioned at the last DAP meeting, the success rate for individuals attending the Chapter 7 pro se clinic and then filing for bankruptcy in 2012 was an impressive 95% and far exceeded the success rate by unrepresented debtors generally of 55.1% that same year. We hope this video will provide bankruptcy pro bono programs and Courts in other divisions within the Central District and state-wide with another educational tool for their clients.

The link to the Chapter 7 Overview video presentation:

The link is available on the Public Counsel website under the News Section/videos and is titled “Overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Alternatives to Bankruptcy.”

This project took several months to coordinate with dedicated staff from the United States Bankruptcy Court and wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance. We would like to thank the Bankruptcy Court staff for donating their time, expertise and creativity in making this video such as successful collaboration. We would also like to specially recognize the following individuals from the United States Bankruptcy Court staff: 1) Sandi Brask; 2) Robin Beacham 3) Ed Pabros; 4) Nick Tam; 5) Jennifer Paro and 6) Monica Groves. Without their assistance this would not have been possible. Thank you!

Please feel free to forward a link to this video to clients, organizations or any programs who could benefit from having this information. Your assistance in disseminating this video is greatly appreciated. The second video which includes an actual review of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition—page by page– is still being edited. We will make this link available as soon as it is finalized.

The 2nd video is 3 ½ hours long and provides a detailed overview about the Chapter 7 filing process.

Thank you!

Warmest regards,


Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
Supervising Attorney
Public Counsel
Consumer Law Project &
Debtor Assistance Project
Ph: 213.385.2977 ext. 105
Fx: 213.385.9089

Team SIMON RESNIK HAYES LLP at the Leslie Cohen Law 5K Run Fundraiser (to benefit the Debtor Assistance Project)

Congratulations to Russ Stong for placing second in his age division!

Central District Bankruptcy Court Case Management Committee — E-filing Fee Waiver Requests Pilot Program

The Central District Bankruptcy Court Case Management Committee (chaired by Judge Bluebond) would like to pilot e-filing Fee Waiver Requests by a small group of attorneys on behalf of clients for whom they are performing services without charge. The Committee would begin with no more than 10 attorneys performing pro bono work who meet the following criteria:

-Registered CM/ECF users
-In good standing with the Bar
-Are on the 2012 Honor Roll of Pro Bono Volunteers

Please send me ( an email if you are interested.

California Reinvestment Coalition

Hi all,

Andrea Luquetta of the California Reinvestment Coalition is looking for stories in support of SB426 (Corbett), a bill that CRC and HERA are sponsoring. Specifically, please contact Andrea of CRC if you have clients who fit into one or more of the categories:

They are are looking for homeowners who lost a home in foreclosure and then had one or more of the following things happen:

* The lender that foreclosed tried to collect from them the difference between the total amount owed and the amount the lender recovered in the foreclosure sale (sometimes called “the deficiency”); and/or

* The lender that foreclosed continued to report the loan as late on the borrower’s credit report even after foreclosure; and/or

* After a foreclosure by one lender, the lender on a different loan on the same property (for example, a home equity line of credit or another second lien) tried to collect from the borrower even though that loan had been used to purchase the house originally; and/or

* After a foreclosure by one lender, the lender on a different loan (for example, a home equity line of credit or another second lien) continued to report the loan as late on the borrower’s credit report even though that non-foreclosing loan had been used to purchase the house originally.

If you have any such clients, or have questions, please contact Andrea:

Andrea Luquetta, Esq.
Policy Advocate
California Reinvestment Coalition
474 Valencia St. Suite 203
San Francisco, CA 94103

Christian Cooper
Public Counsel

Free Income Tax Preparation and Family Services Events

Hi everyone,

Please feel free to share this information with any individuals or organizations with clients who may benefit from these free services. The event is presented by Jerome E. Horton, Chairman of the California State Board of Equalization.

The events include featuring access to:

·Free tax preparation
·Low cost and free medical services
·Job preparation assistance
·Food and nutrition services
·Discount telephone services
·Low cost auto insurance information

*Language assistance in Spanish and English will be provided at the events*

Thank you,

Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
Supervising Attorney, Public Counsel

Mark Your Calendar for the Earle Hagen Golf Tournament

To:  Just About Everyone With An E-Mail Address (In Other Words, Everyone Except Paul Winkler):

SAVE THE DATE of Monday September 30, 2013.  That’s the date of the FIFTH Annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf And Tennis Tournament.  We’re going to have this year at the Porter Ranch Country Club in Northridge.   Why should you attend?  That’s simple:

1.  It’s for a wonderful tax deductible cause.  Proceeds benefit Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Program.  The Tournament has now generated over $110,000.00 in its four year history, including over $32,000.00 in 2012.  Our goal is to raise over $50,000.00 in 2013, which is the approximate equivalent of one full-time salaried attorney.  Help us reach our goal!

2.  It’s a ton of fun.  We design the golf tournament to be a blast for all caliber of players.  Never picked up a golf club in your life before, other than perhaps in anger?  No problem.  We try hard make certain that each foursome has the ideal blend of ability.  “A” players are teamed together, and “B” players are teamed together.

3.  Even if you don’t care to play golf and tennis, come at a reduced price to the dinner and silent auction!  Also a blast, especially with a hosted bar.

4.  You don’t have to be a debtors’ attorney to come and have a good time.  Creditors’ attorneys are not only welcome, but encouraged to come as well.  We promise we won’t make fun of you.

5.  Be seen!  Every tournament, we get a few more Central District judges and trustees to attend.  It’s an excellent opportunity to hang in a social setting with the professionals you usually only see in court.

6.  The 2012 tournament was held on October 1 on the assumption that the weather would be cool…but it turned out to be the hottest day of the year.  So this year we moved it up to September 30…therefore much less likely to be as hot as October 1.

Details will follow in the coming months, but…SAVE THE DATE!  And have a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!

The Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tournament Committee