Good News – UWLA 2021 California Accredited Law School Annual Compliance Report

Email from Dean Jay Frykberg, Dean and Provost, University of West Los Angeles School of law

UWLA 2021 California Accredited Law school Annual Compliance Report


I can report that UWLA has successfully submitted our 2021 annual CBE report. This report was dramatically different and much larger than any previous annual report due to changes from staff at the CBE (ie. student/faculty demographics, further disaggregated data based upon campus location and program, etc.) in fact this report was almost three times the size of previous annual reports and consisted of 33 files and 916 pages all of which was completed in only 23 days. This is also our first fully digital report that is accessible on UWLA’s share drive, that ensures that next year’s process will be even more efficient.

Thank you to each of you who contributed, especially to those that submitted print ready documents as requested, and an extra special and deeply appreciated thank you to Patty and Jesse both of whom were indispensable in the completion of this project. Not only did they complete their sections, but they also assisted in completing many more.


Response from President Robert Brown

Dean Frykberg, I would like to also extend my heartiest appreciation for the work completed by your team. I wish to note that your team submitted the report well  in advance of the requisite deadline. I also want to express my appreciation for the extraordinary efforts of Jesse Aldava and Patty White. Job well done.  Your contributions are recognized and appreciated. As you know this report is not only no small feat to prepare but it means everything in terms of our state bar accreditation and our relationship with the California Bar. Congrats!

I also want to salute Dean Frykberg for being named the Chair of the State Bar rules committee. What a fantastic and well-deserved honor. You mean that someone from UWLA is considered an “insider”? lol Thanks jay for your fabulous and ongoing leadership. You are an example for all of us to aspire to emulate. Will you please join me in saluting Jay and his team for their outstanding efforts and achievements?

Robert Brown

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