Volunteers Needed for Reaffs Tomorrow in Woodland Hills

Email from Maggie Bordeaux:

Hi everyone,

We still need volunteers for the reaffirmation hearings scheduled for tomorrow morning, 11/15 at:

Time: 7:30-10:00 a.m.

Loc: Woodland Hills Bankruptcy Court, 3rd Floor

If you are a new volunteer, you will be able to shadow an experienced attorney until you feel comfortable doing the counseling on your own. As a new volunteer, you will also have the opportunity to observe the hearings after counseling debtors that day. We will be meeting on the 3rd floor in the library for breakfast at 7:30 a.m. before counseling pro se debtors promptly at 8:00 a.m.

If you can make it, please let me know.




Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux

Supervising Senior Staff Attorney

Consumer Law Project
Debtor Assistance Project

Public Counsel

610 S. Ardmore Ave. | Los Angeles, CA  90005

(213) 385-2977 x 105  |  fax (213) 385-9089

mbordeaux@publiccounsel.org publiccounsel.org

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