Program by Public Counsel “Crafting a Chapter 13 Plan”

Hi everyone,

Public Counsel’s DAP will be having a Chapter 13 bankruptcy program titled “Crafting a Chapter 13 plan” on Wed. July 27 from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. I have also attached a flyer for the event.

The program will be taking place from 10:00-2:00 and will include lunch. To register for the event please go to:

If you are interested in attending the program, we recommend registering early (since space is limited). Last year, we had over 130 people register to attend our Chapter 13 program. To assist us with registration, please use the link above to register. We would greatly appreciate your help with managing the registration process for this event by using the link above to register for the program.

Thank you!

Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
Supervising Senior Staff Attorney
Consumer Law Project
Debtor Assistance Project


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