Request for Volunteers from the Bar


The Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California is seeking members of the Bar who represent debtors to assist with the testing of a pilot program called Debtor Electronic Bankruptcy Noticing or DBEN. DEBN will allow debtors to elect to receive entered orders and court-generated notices by email instead of their street address. Debtors will only receive the orders and court generated notices by email that they otherwise would have received by U.S. Mail. The pilot program is a collaboration with the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts (AO) and the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC). Testing is expected to begin in Fall, 2013, and last approximately 60 days. The deadline to volunteer is Thursday, August 16, 2013. Please see attached document for more information.


ECF Help Desk
(213) 894-2365

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