San Fernando Valley Bar Association – Bankruptcy Section program Friday, 12/10 at noon

Email from Steve Fox:

Dear All:

We have a really meaty program that the panelists will deliver with high energy.  The panel will look at recent C.D. U.S. District Court opinions discussing bankruptcy issues.  You may not want to deal with the district court but that court issues a lot of bankruptcy opinions that all of us need to know of.   The panel will be led by Roksana Moradi-Brovia who along with Eliza Ghanooni and Tamar Terzian, will make up the panel.  The materials are thick and good. 

Here are the particulars:

            Date:              Friday December 10, 2021

            Time:              12 noon to 1:15 give or take

            Place:             Via Zoom

            MCLE:             1.25 hours – Specialization credit available for this program

            Charges:        $20 to members of the SFVBA

                                    $30 to non-members of the SFVBA

            Lunch:            As tasty as you make it!

            To register:    1.         Sign up at

                                    2.         Call (818) 227-0495 and ask for help to register

If you do not want to receive periodic emails from me announcing SFVBA programs, just reply and let me know.


Steven R. Fox

The Fox Law Corporation

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