SFVBA Program on Homestead Exemption – this Friday, August 14, 2020 – noon

Email from Steve Fox:

Dear All:

We have a nifty program for you this time around.  We have an all-Riverside area panel, Judge Meredith Jury (ret’d), Todd Turoci and Summer Shaw speaking about two important topics: the homestead exemption; and abandonment.  They will dig deep into the meat of the subjects.  Attending attorneys will learn a lot.  We have good, thick materials.  I have been reading them.  If you feel that you know these topics, guess again.  I was lucky to participate in the early discussions the panelists had, discussions that were fast, furious and lively, arguing the homestead exemption and abandonment.  This is a practical program that will enhance your legal abilities including the quality of legal advice you can render.

The program will be held through Zoom so you need to register for the program in order to receive the link and access password.

Here is basic information about the program:

Friday, August 14, 2020   12 noon
1 and ¼ hour MCLE

Charges:              $20 member;
$30 non-members  (So much less expensive than other bar associations – and better programs to boot!)

Here are the signup options: 

  1. 1.      Try to sign up at  https://members.sfvba.org/calendar/signup/MjI4Nw== and if it works, great.  You are done.
  2. 2.      If you cannot access the link , then email Linda Temkin at Events@sfvba.org and Linda Temkin will sign you up and take your credit card information via email.
  3. 3.      Alternatively, phone Linda Temkin at (818) 227-0495 and your call will be forwarded to her.  She will either take your call or call you back to sign you up.
  4. 4.      Only if options 1, 2  and 3 do not work, email me at srfox@foxlaw.com and I will get you signed up.  This option is a last resort.


I hope to see you at the program on Friday at noon.  If you would like to be removed from this email list, please reply back and tell me.


Steven R. Fox

The Fox Law Corporation

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