San Fernando Valley Bar Association – Bankruptcy Section and Business Section Joint Program on Landlord Tenant Lease Issues in the Age of Covid 19

Email from Steve Fox

Dear All:

We have a very timely program for all of you.  Attorney David Campbell Smith will be speaking about various lease issues including evictions in the Age of Covid.  For bankruptcy attorneys this problem will be hitting us over and over in bankruptcy cases where tenants file bankruptcy cases to try to save their leases or to stave off eviction.  Under California law, what arguments will be more effective?  Mr. Smith’s presentation will be a nuts and bolts look at the terrain.  The presentation is timely because now businesses are starting to reopen, landlords are getting their legs under them and the fireworks are about to begin.  The program is free to members.

Here are the particulars for the video program via ZOOM:

Date:                    Thursday June 11, 2020
Time:                    noontime  12 to 1 p.m.
Location:             Your home or office.  Attend via Zoom
Cost:                     FREE.  That right, FREE.  The program is fully sponsored by Exeter 1031 Exchange Services, Inc. However to attend you must be a bar association member.

Go to calendar of events.

If you are not a bar member, it is very cheap to join, a couple of hundred dollars, I think.  If you are not a member and would like to join, contact the bar association at (818) 227-0495 or see if you can join over the Internet.

Next Upcoming Bankruptcy Section Program:  Date not set but the panel will be Judge Jury, Todd Turoci and Summer Shaw on Abandonment Issues and Exemption Issues.


Steven R. Fox

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