cdcbaa Program Saturday May 30, 2020

To Help Mitigate the Spread of COVID-19, this CLE Program will ONLY be available as a WEBINAR via Zoom

Please join us on May 30, 2020 as the cdcbaa presents:

“CARES Act – Adjusting to the New Landscape and Understanding the Impact on Small Business Subchapter 5”

Aki Koyama, Esq. – Staff Attorney to Chapter 13 Trustee Kathy Dockery
Nancy Clark, Esq.
Nicholas Gebelt, Esq.
Jon Hayes, Esq.

Please log on at 10:45am
Program: 11:00am – 1:00pm
2 Hours of MCLE Credit Provided
Haven’t renewed yet for 2020? Now is the perfect time! Our membership dues remain a tremendous bargain at only $250. Your 2020 membership includes up to 5 remaining seminars of 2 MCLE credits each per calendar year and the annual James T. King Symposium, one ticket to the annual Calvin Ashland Awards Dinner in November, remote webinar participation in MCLE programs (when available), and access to the listserve, on which you can discuss the latest bankruptcy issues with knowledgeable and experienced members. That’s like receiving up to ten hours of MCLE credits in subject-matter that’s relevant to you at a paltry $25 per unit, and getting a fancy ballroom dinner and message board access for free!
We offer several ways to remit payment:
1) Log on to  and pay online – payment due is $250. Please contact cdcbaa Administrator Linda Righi at if you need assistance logging on.
2) Mail a check payable to ‘cdcbaa‘ in the amount of $250 to cdcbaa Treasurer Jeffrey Hagen: 4559 San Blas Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91364
3) Send an email to Linda with your telephone number, and she will call to take your credit card information over the phone. 
Video Conferencing of Programs
You can attend all of our Saturday morning programs from home – no additional fees! Join cdcbaa programs via video conferencing. In March, over 60 people attended remotely, and we have room for more! There are Zoom apps for smart-phones and tablets too, so you can participate in cdcbaa’s programs from anywhere you find an internet connection. You must be a member of cdcbaa to attend remotely, but there is no further cost after that. The sign-in sheets and MCLE certificates are processed through emails with Linda after the program. To attend the programs by video conferencing you just need to get a free account at Then you must send an email to our administrator Linda at and sign our waiver. Linda will send you the materials for the program and the link the night before the program.

**Members who are current on their 2020 membership dues and are interested in participating in the program remotely, should send an email to Linda at by noon on Thursday, May 28, 2020. 
Feel free to contact Linda should you have questions or require additional information.
Best regards,
Linda Righi
Administrator | cdcbaa

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