SFVBA Bankruptcy Section Meeting, Friday May 22, 2020, at 12 noon: Program: Really Interesting Bankruptcy Matters Emphasizing Consumer Issues: By ZOOM

Email from Steve Fox.  I think I’ll sign up for this one.  My two partners are among the presenters.

Dear All:

This is a fun program.  I have asked a lot of different bankruptcy attorneys and one judge to each contribute one case or topic that interests each of them and to take 5 to 10 minutes to speak about the matter.  For example, Jim Selth will speak about a recent unpublished opinion by one of our local judges which considered the means test, a high income individual and non-consumer debt in the context of a motion by the UST to convert.  Judge Ahart will speak about recent changes to the CA exemption laws and their impact on debtors.  Shai Oved will discuss a fascinating local case in Santa Ana where a family law attorney objected to a debtor’s discharge, lost and then what happened when the debtor sought attorneys’ fees of about $1,000,000 from the objecting family law attorney under Section 523(d) for the cost of defense.  Jeremy Rothstein looks at a recent BAP opinion on the ability of the bankruptcy court to modify a plan near the end of the 5 year term where the debtor has received unexpected monies.   Our other speakers include Matt Resnik and Roksana Moradi, Jeff Hagen and Stella Havkin, Lew Landau and Richard Brownstein, all on consumer issues.

The speakers will focus on consumer issues.  No chapter 11 stuff.  If you are not interested in one short presentation, you will be interested in all of the others presentations!

Here are the program particulars:

Date/Time:         Friday, May 22nd 12 noon to approximately 1:20 p.m.

Where:                 ZOOM (access information to be sent to people who sign up)

Cost:                     $20 for members; $30 for non-members

Parking:               FREE!

MCLE:                  1 and ¼ hours

Please sign up for the program on Friday.  Than you.


Steven R. Fox

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