Chapter 13 Webinar featuring Cathy Moran

Another FREE Webinar in
The Academy’s Series
Prompted by COVID19 and The CARES Act

 1:00 eastern/12:00 central/11:00 mtn/10:00 pacific
As the economy lurches back into motion, bankruptcy lawyers will confront a clutch of troubled Chapter 13 cases.  In the face of disruption, distress, and the unknown, debtor attorneys will be called on to guide clients forward, in one direction or another.  In this webinar, with a combined SEVENTY-NINE years of experience representing individual and small business debtors, Certified Specialists Cathy Moran and Jill Michaux will review questions you will need to answer in order to provide the sharpest analysis for your clients.  This webinar is Part 2 and will focus on conversion and hardship discharge. Part 1 looked primarily at modification.

This webinar is part 2 of a 2-part series on COVID-19 and its impact on Chapter 13s.
If you cannot attend the live presentation, the Academy will post a recording of the webinar at – Access to the recording will be free to Academy subscribers – or we offer a pay per view option.
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