Letter from BMW in SBRA case

This is kind of galling if you ask me.  I just got this letter from a “a bankruptcy servicing company” relating to new Small Business case I just filed.  What is the point, I wonder, of instantaneously and unilaterally discontinuing “online access, monthly statements, notification emails,” and the “easy pay program”?


We are AIS Portfolio Services, LP a bankruptcy servicing company for BMWF Financial Services. BMW Financial Services received a notice of bankruptcy filing on the above referenced account. As a result, online access, monthly Account Statement mailings, statement notification emails and, if applicable, the Easy Pay Program, have been discontinued.

Please be aware this letter is not an attempt to collect a debt nor is it a demand for payment. The information below, including payment options, is being provided for informational purposes only.

If you wish to make voluntary payments, you may do so anytime using BMW Financial Services automated phone system, paying by check, bank bill pay, or Western Union.  For all payments made, please include your account number and remit to:

BMW Financial Services NA, LLC
PO Box 78066
Phoenix, AZ 85062
Toll free – 800 – 398 – 3939

If you have any questions, please contact a Bankruptcy Specialist at (888) 455-6662, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 5: 00 p.m.ET

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