San Fernando Valley Bar Assn 9th Circuit Review

Email from Steve Fox:

Dear All:

This is one of our perennial programs.  Usually a 9th circuit review program tries to run through 50 or 60 opinions in one hour’s time.  Our program is different.  We try to get through as many as 20 opinions in 75 minutes.  The difference allows our panelists, the Honorable Victoria Kaufman, Stella Havkin and Nancy Zamora, to take time to examine each case, to consider them a bit more slowly and to draw out their meanings.  I understand that a key rule in cigar smoking competition, yes there is such a thing (and a recent speaker for the section was recently in an international competition in cigar smoking contest) is to take your time.  We do the same with the Ninth Circuit review program.

This is a good program.  Good speakers.  Good location.  Good food.  Great price, far, far below that which the other bars charge and parking is validated.  You cannot spent a better lunchtime than with us on Friday.

Here are the details.

Location:             San Fernando Valley Bar Asso, 20750 Ventura Blvd #140, Woodland Hills, CA 91364

Date/Time:         Friday, February 21, 2020, lunch, 12 noon to 1:30 p.m.

Topic:                   Ninth Circuit Review

MCLE:                  1 and ¼ hours                               Specialist credit available

Charges:              Members in advance                     $40

                              Members at the door                    $50

                              Non-members in advance            $60

                              Non-members at the door           $70

                              Government employees                $XXX      Contact Linda Temkin at the bar office.

                              Bankruptcy law clerk                                     Contact Linda Temkin at the bar office.

Parking               FREE, FREE and FREE.

Steven R. Fox
The Fox Law Corporation

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