2019 Lazarow Awards – November 14, 2019

Email from Barbara Sanchez

Hi Jon,

I hope you and yours are doing well.

The Debtor Assistance Project is hosting the Lasarow Awards Reception at the Roybal Building on Thursday, November 14, from 6-8 p.m. Each of the Central District’s Self-Help Centers will honor an outstanding volunteer. I hope you will join me for this free event with Central District Judges and court staff, representatives from the Self-Help Clinics, attorneys, volunteers, and supporters.

Neighborhood Legal Services of Los Angeles County is proud to present the 2019 Lasarow Award to longtime volunteer Patricia Said, in recognition of her exceptional pro bono service. In addition, Public Counsel will be honoring Judge Zurzolo for his work over the past 20 years in advocating to make the courts more accessible to their clients.

Please see below for information about the 2019 Lasarow Awards Reception, and a link you can use to register.  I would appreciate your responding to me, as well.

With your help, the San Fernando Valley Self-Help Desk has assisted more than 10,000 visitors. Together, we are changing lives. Thanks so much for your support!

Best regards,



You can register at: surveymonkey.com/r/lasarow

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