Happy Birthday Jim King

Jim KingThe picture is Jim King at a cdcbaa program.  Gone four and a half years now.  We still miss him.  Happy Birthday Jim.  You can read his oral history here.  My favorite part is when he was telling about being in a group that got sworn in at the Supreme Court and meeting briefly with Justice Alito afterwards.

“I told [Alito] the story about having read all of his decisions and having had – my friend having seen his comment during the Marrama argument and then finally seeing his dissent.  And I told him, ‘I gotta tell you, from a consumer bankruptcy attorney standpoint, you got it, you really understood it.  You got the issue, you understood it, and I think you got it right.  And I want to thank you.’”

“And he said to me, this little shit from Glendale, California, ‘Oh my gosh, counsel, you made my day.’  Well, I’ll tell you, that ran a chill up and down my spine, brought tears to my eyes.  For a Supreme Court justice to say that to me, pretty good.”

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