SFVB Program Tomorrow, Friday Feb 8, 2019 – “10 Local Cases”

Email from Steve Fox

Dear All:

Friday of this week, the bankruptcy section of the SFVBA is presenting a panel (Judge Geraldine Mund, Dean Rallis and David S. Hagen).  They will discuss, dissect and argue through 10 local cases (meaning in California) which have impacted bankruptcy practices of creditor attorneys, debtor attorneys and trustees.  The cases go back to 1980 covering a wide range of consumer and business issues including lien stripping, personal liability for claims, enforceability of stipulations in subsequent proceedings and a conflict between the general presumption under Calif. law that property compulsory aquisition valuer during marriage is community property and CA. Evid. Code Section 662.  These are ten cases which the panelists believe have had impact on our practices so this is not a year in review program.

The program will be a good review for many of us; for others it can be a good introduction to new topics.  I encourage you to attend.  Not only that, the panel is well experienced, lunch is provided and parking is at no charge (but bring the parking ticket into the program with you). No westside or downtown bar offers lunch, free parking and the SFVBA’s superior charges.

Here are the particulars:


                20750 Ventura Blvd. Suite 140, Woodland Hills, CA 91364  (NEW ADDRESS!)

 Date:     Friday, February 8, 2019

Time:     12 noon to 1:30 p.m.

MCLE     1.25 hours; Specialization credits offered.

 Food:     With the bar’s new office location, perhaps the food will get better than it has been

 Charges : Ah, so much less expensive than other bar associations:

                Members:  $40 in advance; $50 day of the event

               Non-Members: $60 in advance; $70 day of the event

 To register:

  1. Register at sfvba.org.  Work your way through the site and you can register.
  2. Call Linda Temkin at (818) 227-0490
  3. Email Linda Temkin at events@sfvba.org

If you want to be taken off this list, please reply back and let me know.  We will miss you though.


Steven R. Fox

The Fox Law Corporation

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