Marijuana Dispensary Tenant in Chapter 13 Debtor’s Commercial Property – Sua Sponte Dismissal Valid?

I’m surprised this was not a published BAP decision —  chapter 13 debtor filed to stop a foreclosure of a commercial property with a dispensary as a one of the tenants :::cue the audience gasps:::

Debtor’s chapter 13 plan proposed to sell that commercial property with the dispensary and pay all creditors.  The bankruptcy court immediately dismissed the case on the grounds that the postpetition rents and sale were ill gotten gold basically (criminal in nature).  The BAP vacated the dismissal and remanded it to the court to make proper findings as to why it should dismiss.  From my reading of the case, it appears to me that the courts are becoming more mainstream and comfortable with dispensaries and not immediately concluding that any mention or involvement with a dispensary is criminal and grounds for sua sponte dismissal.

See case here 

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