Shout Out to Jardee Transcription Service

The thought occurred to me that I should compliment Barb Jardee on the great job she did on the Meredith Jury transcript.  I sent her the video tape of Judge Jury at the Ashland Awards dinner and asked her to do her best.  With the echoes and other noise, it was very difficult to understand any of what Judge Jury was saying.  I thought there was a chance that it was impossible and would never get done.  But somehow Barb got about 80% of the words into a word file.  I sent that to Judge Jury and she was able to remember what she said and complete the transcript.

Barb was referred to me by Judge Mund a few years ago.  She has transcribed many things for me; oral histories, 341(a) transcripts, audio tapes I have made of client statements etc.  She is very quick, very accurate and very reasonable.  She is in Arizona so we do everything by email and Box Drop.

Barb’s email is  I highly recommend her to you.  Her website is

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