SFVB Assn Program May 12, 2017

Email from Steve Fox

Dear All:

Usually we focus on one theme for an hour to an hour and one half.  Our May program panel goes the other way. 

They will focus on a series of issues but looking at some interesting and unique issues.  For example, while conversion from one chapter to another seems to be well laid out in statute and case law, there are some interesting angles of which you may be unaware.  Does conversion effect a change in who may be a creditor?  The panel will spend a little bit of time on exemptions.  One interesting issue will be the tension between the Uniform Voidable Transaction Act and CA’s exemption statutes.  How are these statutes harmonized?  We all pretty much know what happens when an assert is not disclosed.  It stays in the estate.  What happens if its scheduling is insufficient?  Then what?  We all know that debtors have to cooperate with the trustee.  To what extent under case law do debtors have to cooperate?  Under the case law, when is cooperation enough?  In other words, when can a debtor tell the trustee no more cooperation?  We are all familiar with retaining special counsel in chapter 11.  How about in chapter 13?  How does special counsel get paid?

I really encourage you to attend this panel.  There should be a lot of good insights, good nuggets of information for you to use in your practice.  Here are the particulars on the program:

Date and Time:               Friday, May 12, 2017, 12:00 to 1:30 pm.

MCLE:                               1 and ½ hours MCLE.

Location:                          San Fernando Valley Bar Association, SFVBA, 5567 Reseda Blvd., Ste 200, Tarzana

Cost                                  MEMBERS:  $35 in advance, $45 day of the event

            NON MEMBERS: $55 in advance, $65 day of event

Panelists:                         Nina Javan, Dennis McGoldrick and Roksana Moradi

Parking is free behind the building.  If that lot is full, park next door at the restaurant (also free).

No other bankruptcy group offers the quality of our programing, our lunch, the free parking and comradery like the SFVBA Bankruptcy section offers

Please attend.  If you would like to unsubscribe, reply back to me.


Steven R. Fox

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