Bankruptcy Specialist Exam Coming Up in October 24, 2017

The California Legal Specialist Examination is a one-day examination that will take place on:

Date:    Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2017

Location:  Northern California – Oakland Convention Center
Southern California – Pasadena Convention Center

Examination Fee:  Special pricing for registration will be offered this year. The examination registration fee is $100 if valid payment is received on or before May 1. The fee increases to $250 on May 2 and to $350 on Sept. 2. Registration deadline is Oct. 2.

Additional Laptop Fee: There is no additional laptop fee.

Registration is now openRegister now for the 2017 examination.  Visit your legal specialty area’s page to learn more about your particular examination and to decide whether you want to fulfill the other requirements before the examination or take up to three years afterward.

The Legal Specialist Examination is the first step in the two-step certification process. After passing the one-day examination, you must submit an application detailing your compliance with the remaining certification requirements, primarily task and experience, legal education in the specialty area and positive references from attorneys familiar with your work in the specialty.

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