Judge Barash to Hold Brown Bag on Loan Modification Management Program

This program is an excellent opportunity for you to get the inside scoop on the new Loan Modification Management Program.  This is a “pilot” program meaning there will be a “feeling out” period by everyone involved.  I think its a great effort and should be supported by the local bankruptcy bar.  Brown Bag Flier Barash

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
San Fernando Valley Division
First Floor Training Room
21041 Burbank Boulevard
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
RSVP to: SFVevents_rsvp@cacb.uscourts.gov

Please bring your lunch and join us for a presentation and discussion regarding the Court’s new Loan Modification Management Program (LMM).

In the San Fernando Valley Division, cases assigned to Judge Barash are eligible for participation in this pilot program.

The LMM program is designed to help debtors apply for loan modifications through an easy-to-use online portal, provide a respite from relief from stay motions while the request is pending, and give the Court real-time visibility into the status of each pending modification request.

At the program, Judge Barash will present an overview of the program, related court procedures, and the necessary program forms. This program will not address the technical aspects of using the LMM online portal. See the court’s public announcements regarding webinars addressing those issues.

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