Eighth Annual Earle Hagen Golf Tournament September 19, 2016

Email from Jeff Hagen (By the way, if I can get out there, you can)

To Everyone:

I’ll bet you hoped that I lost your e-mail address, huh?

The EIGHTH Annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf, Tennis And Poker Tournament is coming on Monday September 19, 2016…at the Porter Valley Country Club in Northridge.  It’s less than FOUR months away!

Is it too early to sign up?  Absolutely NOT!  We’re accepting registration now!  A registration brochure will be attached to our next blast.  Why wait?  Sign up now!  Don’t put it off.  Nothing better is going to come along, especially on a Monday!

Please check out the following link:  https://ehmgt.eventbrite.com

Can you just show up unannounced, i.e., sans reservation?  Of course!  Everyone who brings enough money is welcome!

You don’t play golf, tennis or poker?  Not a problem!  The Tournament is designed to be fun for those who have never played before!  We promise no one will laugh at you!  Or come at a reduced price and have a ton ‘o fun at the dinner, silent auction, and hosted bar.  Or just contribute to a very worthy cause!

As an attorney, I’m trained to be both persuasive and argumentative…so…why attend?

1.  Take pride in the fact that you’re helping a very worthy tax deductible cause.  Proceeds benefit Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Program.  The Tournament has now generated over $200,000.00 of profit for Public Counsel in its seven year history.  Our goal–elusive so far but within the realm of possibility–is to generate a surplus of over $50,000.00 in 2016.  Help us reach our goal!

For over a decade, Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project (“DAP”) has helped thousands of individuals navigate the bankruptcy system when they are no longer able to support their families while struggling under crushing debt loads.

Public Counsel’s DAP provides greatly needed pro bono legal services to over 3,300 individuals and families every year by:

a.  providing counsel and advice at the Los Angeles Self-Help Desk;

b.  guiding pro se litigants in the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process at monthly Chapter 7 clinics;

c.  advising pro se litigants regarding their rights at monthly reaffirmation hearings in the Los Angeles and Woodland Hills Divisions;

d.  representing consumer debtors in Chapter 7 pro bono cases; and

e.  defending consumers against non-meritorious nondischargeability complaints.

In addition to assisting and representing pro se litigants in bankruptcy proceedings, Public Counsel’s DAP has also worked collaboratively with the Bankruptcy Court to educate the public about the bankruptcy process.  Recently, Public Counsel’s DAP, in collaboration with the United States Bankruptcy Court, produced two bankruptcy informational videos which are now accessible directly from Public Counsel’s website and through a link from the Bankruptcy Court website.

Your participation at the Tournament is one way you can support our work and help make a difference in the lives of those most vulnerable in our community.

2.  Everyone is welcome!  Judges, Debtors’ attorneys, creditors’ attorneys, trustees, government employees, spouses, significant others, office staff, your barista…everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

3.  Be seen!  At every Tournament, despite my attempts at humor frequently skirting the boundaries of decency, we get a few more Central District judges and trustees to attend.  It’s an excellent opportunity to hang in a social setting with the professionals you usually only see in court.

4.  You could win something really cool. In the past, it’s been either a Harley-Davidson motorcycle with shoei helmets or a Fiat 500 electric car!  All you have to do is sink a hole-in-one!  Admittedly, unless one really gets away from you, the odds are not great that you’ll win a vehicle if you’re playing tennis or poker, but you must admit, it’s a fun and exciting selling point nonetheless.

5.  Even if you don’t win a motorized vehicle of some sort, you can and most likely will win a trophy, which will look great on your bookshelves and impress your clients.

6.  No one goes home empty handed.  Very cool shirts and gift bags for all players!

The Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tennis And Poker Tournament Committee

Harley-Davidson motorcycle

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