RDM’s Roundup

I am starting a weekly blog post with interesting tidbits from around the Central District.  Hayes suggested that I call it “Notes and Comments.”  I like alliteration so I came up with “RDM’s Reflections, Recommendations, Reports (Rumors…)” — but that is probably over-the-top (which I am usually not opposed to!).  I think “RDM’s Roundup” works for now, but I am open to comments.

1) I enter into a least one stipulation per week, for various things like hearing continuances, Chapter 11 plan treatment agreements, etc.  I am surprised at how often opposing counsel shoots me an email stating “the stip looks fine, use my electronic signature.”  Huh?!  How can anyone, and especially the Court staff, be certain that the non-filing party really entered into the agreement?  The clerk will always reject an order on a stipulation that does not include the “wet” signature of the non-filing party.

2) Judge Klein has changed the hearing time for her Chapter 13 calendar on Thursday, December 3rd.  Instead of 10:00 and 11:00 a.m., all matters will be heard at 2:00 p.m.

3) I attended cdcbaa’s Calvin Ashland Awards dinner last night.  We had a good turn-out and it was a fun evening, but bittersweet as we honored Jim King as attorney of the year (posthumously — such a ugly word) and I still cannot think about him without crying.  Shel Capeloto, Jim’s BFF, gave a wonderful speech and I was reminded about how Jim really was a epitome of a great BK lawyer — smart, experienced, but always kind and friendly.  I try to emulate that — you can win, and win big, even if you are not a jerk.

4) David Daniels, the Pro Bono Director of Public Counsel attended the dinner —  he was there to accept the check from the proceeds of the Earle Hagen Annual Memorial Golf, Tennis, and Poker Tournament and cheer on Maggie Bordeaux (lead attorney for the Debtor Assistance Project) who received the Hon. Thomas Donovan Excellence Award.  Mr. Daniels commented to me that he is so impressed at how close our BK bar is — everyone gets along and there is a good vibe/energy at our events.  It made my heart so happy to hear that. I am proud to be a BK lawyer and I love how the cdcbaa membership works together to raise the bar on the quality of our lawyering in such an unselfish way, whether it be our listserve, to showing up to events (waving our consumer law flags!) or supporting various causes.


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