Legal Specialist Exam Deadline Approaching

From the Board of Legal Specialization of the California State Bar

I’d like to take a moment to personally encourage you to take action by October 1, and to consider becoming a certified specialist and register for the examination by the October 1, 2015 deadline.  I have found it very beneficial to be a board certified specialist, and I’d like you to also enjoy the same advantages.  One of my colleagues explains it well here:  Legal Specialization Offers Unique Perks.  

The first step is to register for the  Legal Specialist Examination by October 1, 2015 and to take it on October 27, 2015. The exam is only one day, with 75 multiple-choice and 8 short essay questions, so you can easily prepare while working. The Department of Legal Specialization website lays out all of the topics on the examination, offers free study materials and has information about optional taped private prep classes.

If you have any questions, you can e-mail or call 415-538-2120, and the Department would be happy to help you.

I hope you consider becoming a certified specialist and register for the exam!

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