Earle Hagen Golf Tournament September 21, 2015 – Porter Valley Country Club


Public Counsel is having our annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf, Tennis &  Poker Tournament at Porter Valley Country Club on Monday, September 21, 2015.

We would greatly appreciate everyone’s help in making this event a success!   We will also be honoring Jim King for his leadership in organizing the Tournament and hisextraordinary pro bono contributions throughout his legal career. His family was very touched and will be accepting the award on his behalf.   

Proceeds from the Earle Hagen Memorial Golf & Tennis Tournament will go towards the support of Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project (“DAP”).  For over a decade, Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project has helped thousands of individuals to navigate the bankruptcy system when they are no longer able to support their families while struggling under crushing debt loads. Public Counsel’s DAP provides greatly needed pro bono legal services to close to 3,000 individuals and families every year by:

  • providing counsel and advise at the Los Angeles Self Help Desk;
  • guiding pro se litigants in the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process at monthly Chapter 7 clinics;
  • advising pro se litigants regarding their rights at monthly reaffirmation hearings in the Los Angeles and Woodland Hills divisions;
  • representing consumer debtors in Chapter 7 pro bono cases; and
  • defending consumers against non-meritorious non-dischargeability complaints.

Your participation at the Tournament is one way you can support our work and help make a difference in the lives of individuals of those most vulnerable in our community.

I have included a copy of the EHMG&T Tournament brochure and flyer.  I would greatly appreciate your assistance in forwarding this information to friends and colleagues interested in being a part of this great event.  Also, if you would like to be a Tee sponsor, please contact Cheyanne Piconne at (213) 385-2977 ext. 112 or via email atcpicone@publiccounsel.org.

Warmest regards,


Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux

Supervising Senior Staff Attorney

Consumer Law Project
Debtor Assistance Project

Public Counsel

610 S. Ardmore Ave. | Los Angeles, CA  90005

(213) 385-2977 x 105  |  fax (213) 385-9089

mbordeaux@publiccounsel.org publiccounsel.org

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