Former Corinthian Students Should File a Proof of Claim

The “bar date” to file a proof of claim in the Corinthian chapter 11 bankruptcy case is July 20, 2015.  If you think Corinthian owes you money for any reason, you should file a proof of claim in the case.  The proof of claim form is here.  On line one you put in the amount you think it owes you.  You should have some rational basis for the amount but it does not have to be precise at this time unless of course you can make it precise.  It should be the amount you think you would win if you sued the school outside of bankruptcy court.  You should attach documents if you have them.  If you screw something up on the form, the courts are pretty casual about letting you fix it later, i.e., file an amended proof of claim.  The big thing is don’t blow that date.

Very helpful instructions can be found on the Public Counsel website here.

Once it is done, mail it to

Corinthian Colleges, Inc., et al. Claims Processing, c/o Rust Omni, 5955 DeSoto Ave., Suite 100, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.

The big think is don’t be intimidated by the process.  You won’t be shot if you do it wrong.  If you file it late however, you are assured of getting nothing.

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