Self-Calendaring System for Judge Ahart Cases (U.S. Bankruptcy Court — Central District of California — San Fernando Valley Division)

Judge Ahart (U.S. Bankruptcy Court — Central District of California — San Fernando Valley Division) will retire in January of 2015 and Judges Tighe (“MT”) and Kaufman (“VK”) will divide up his cases by number, until the new judge takes the bench.

Please see attached instructions re self-calendaring pleadings for Judge Ahart cases. Beginning on January 1, 2015, NEW instructions for self-calendaring hearings are on page 5.

The Court has informed us that all Judge Ahart (“AA”) cases will remain “AA” in the case number: e.g., 14-bk-12345-AA. Hovever, MT or VK will hear all matters, all pleadings will be addressed to MT or VK, and mailed to MT or VK.


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