Availability of highly trained staff for hire

As many of you are aware, due to the decline in bankruptcy filings and the earlier mandated budget cuts, our Bankruptcy Court has had to incur recent significant staff layoffs and early retirements. 18 of our fellow bankruptcy staff throughout the Central District have been laid off effective Friday, October 4th, with many others taking early (often to their overall career plans — premature) retirement. These staffers are highly trained in their respective bankruptcy fields.

Proudly, our Court has set up a set separate department in Los Angeles to serve as a clearinghouse for ALL the divisions for people looking for trained bankruptcy staff to hire. The lead contact is Tina Sandoval and she can be reached at (213) 894-5008 or by email at: Tina_Sandoval @cacb.uscourts.gov .

If you are looking for highly trained and motivated legal staff to hire or are aware of possible employment opportunities throughout the Central District, please forward these inquiries and leads to Ms. Sandoval. We, the bankruptcy community, can spread the word through our our networking resources to assist our extended bankruptcy family in this particular time of need.

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