Introduction to Adversary Proceedings MCLE: 7/11/13

We are having an MCLE program titled “An Introduction to Adversary Proceedings” on Thursday, July 11th from 10-12:30 at the Roybal Federal Building. The program is co-sponsored by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California and cdcbaa. Refreshments will be generously provided by Abacus.

The program will focus on providing attorneys who have never handled an adversary proceeding with an introductory overview of bringing and defending an adversary proceeding. Attached hereto is a flyer with additional details about the program. In addition to the great panel which includes the Honorable Judge Sandra Klein, Roksana Moradi of Simon Resnik Hayes, and Roye Zur of Landau Gottfried & Berger, the program will offer 2.5 hours of MCLE credit and light refreshments. Please feel free to forward a copy of the attached flyer to anyone who may be interested in attending the program.

We expect the program to fill up fast so please encourage anyone interested in attending the program to email Christian Cooper at as soon as possible since space will limited.


For More Info Click Here!!!

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