May 30, 2013 – OCBF Dinner Program

The Orange County Bankruptcy Forum Presents:

Mapping a Course through the Maze of Municipal Distress

Advanced Issues in Addressing Municipal Fiscal Challenges


Hon. John E. Ryan, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, C.D. of CA (retired) – Judge in Orange County Ch. 9 and author of many published opinions on Ch. 9
Hon. Michael S. McManus, U.S. Bankruptcy Judge, E.D. of CA – Judge in Vallejo Ch. 9 and author of many published opinions on Ch. 9
Mark Kaufman, Partner, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP – Counsel for court-appointed referee for Harrisburg, PA and expert/author on Ch. 9
Jeffrey Bjork, Partner, Sidley & Austin LLP – Counsel for Assured Guaranty in Stockton Ch. 9 – Surety on >$150 M of general fund obligations.
Moderator: Jess Bressi, McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP

The landscape of municipal bankruptcy is largely uncharted, making navigating its unsettled terrain complex and potentially treacherous. The bankruptcy cases of Stockton and San Bernardino illustrate the unsettled and complex nature of municipal distress and municipal bankruptcy. These cases, as well as other pending municipal bankruptcy cases, will help define the contours of the potentially powerful tool that is municipal bankruptcy. Panelists will analyze and discuss some of the significant, cutting edge issues in municipal bankruptcy confronting municipalities and their various constituencies including:

Eligibility: Is the Stockton decision a game changer or much ado about nothing?
Classification and treatment of obligations in a Plan of Adjustment: Do states have the authority to create “sacred cows” in municipal bankruptcy?
The preemption question: When does the Bankruptcy Code trump the Tenth Amendment?
Do all municipal debts need to be treated the same?
What are the likely implications of litigation or settlement in the Stockton and San Bernardino cases?
Are pension and other post-employment benefits (“OPEB’s”) liabilities sacrosanct?
Full Faith and Credit: Do general obligation bonds deserve special protection in bankruptcy as compared to other unsecured debts?
The “Tax Your Way Out” Approach to Fiscal Distress: Should new or increased taxes be required?
War Stories from the Trenches: Vallejo, Orange County, Harrisburg, PA and others.


Westin South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa, CA 92626


May 30, 2013, 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Check-in and no host cocktails begins at 5:30 p.m. Dinner to commence at 6:00 p.m. Program to commence at 6:30 p.m.



Until May 24, 2013

Members: $70 / Non-Members $80 / Judge or Government Employee $40

After May 24, 2013

Members: $80 / Non-Members $90 / Judge or Government Employee $50

The above activity has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education by the State Bar of California in the amount of 2.0 hours. The OCBF certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for the approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing MCLE.


To RSVP: Visit

You may pay by Mastercard, Visa or American Express online.

OCBF ● 6789 Quail Hill Parkway #204 ● Irvine, CA 92603 Phone/Fax: 949-681-8676 ~

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