Chapter 7 Educational Video

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce that the first Chapter 7 educational video is now available on our website. It is about 40 minutes long and is a video-taped overview of the presentation we provide clients at our monthly Chapter 7 pro se clinics. As we mentioned at the last DAP meeting, the success rate for individuals attending the Chapter 7 pro se clinic and then filing for bankruptcy in 2012 was an impressive 95% and far exceeded the success rate by unrepresented debtors generally of 55.1% that same year. We hope this video will provide bankruptcy pro bono programs and Courts in other divisions within the Central District and state-wide with another educational tool for their clients.

The link to the Chapter 7 Overview video presentation:

The link is available on the Public Counsel website under the News Section/videos and is titled “Overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Alternatives to Bankruptcy.”

This project took several months to coordinate with dedicated staff from the United States Bankruptcy Court and wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance. We would like to thank the Bankruptcy Court staff for donating their time, expertise and creativity in making this video such as successful collaboration. We would also like to specially recognize the following individuals from the United States Bankruptcy Court staff: 1) Sandi Brask; 2) Robin Beacham 3) Ed Pabros; 4) Nick Tam; 5) Jennifer Paro and 6) Monica Groves. Without their assistance this would not have been possible. Thank you!

Please feel free to forward a link to this video to clients, organizations or any programs who could benefit from having this information. Your assistance in disseminating this video is greatly appreciated. The second video which includes an actual review of a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition—page by page– is still being edited. We will make this link available as soon as it is finalized.

The 2nd video is 3 ½ hours long and provides a detailed overview about the Chapter 7 filing process.

Thank you!

Warmest regards,


Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
Supervising Attorney
Public Counsel
Consumer Law Project &
Debtor Assistance Project
Ph: 213.385.2977 ext. 105
Fx: 213.385.9089

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