April 25, 2013 – The Inside Scoop!

Bankruptcy Assistant’s Workshop–Bankruptcy Court Clerk Procedures

The Inside Scoop!

Join us as our special speaker tells us   about the Bankruptcy Court Clerk’s office and the “ins and outs” of   working with the Clerk’s office. Our speaker was in the Clerk’s office   for many years and now she is in private practice.

Join us to network with other bankruptcy  assistants

Learn the best practices of other offices and celebrate                 Administrative Assistant week with the group in a fun and festive way!

Thursday, April 25, 2013  1:30 pm to 3:30 p.m.
Riverside Bar Assoc. Building
4129 Main Street, Third Floor
Riverside, CA  92501

$39 prepaid before April 15 $49 after April 15.

Call 951-780-1972  for more info  or email  mgo29@att.net
Click Here for More Information: http://www.bkmike.com/?p=seminar

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