Help For Homeowners Event

The Department of Corporations is pleased to participate in this great event “Help For Homeowners Event.” It is hosted by the Departments of the Treasury & Housing and Urban Development on April 16 at the Los Angeles Convention Center to help distressed homeowners. We encourage you to share the attached flier (in English and Spanish) with your colleagues and clients who may need this assistance. I will be there and hope to see you.

At the event consumers will have the opportunity to meet directly with their servicer, the Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs), housing counselors, and other resources that would be extremely helpful. They also have a short sale workshop for real estate professionals to hear from Treasury, the large servicers, and GSEs about specific short sale policies and procedures.

I have attached flyers of the event in English and Spanish.



Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
Supervising Attorney
Public Counsel
Consumer Law Project &
Debtor Assistance Project

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