April 26 – 28, 2013 – NACBA 21st Annual Convention

1. Members may register online by logging into www.NACBA.org with user name and password.

2. Non-members who register online will be prompted to create a New Visitor profile before proceeding to the Store to purchase a Convention registration.

3. Group Registration or Registration of Non-Attorney Staff: If you wish to register multiple firm attendees or to register non-attorney staff, you must submit the registration forms (one for each attendee) by mail or fax.

4. If you are purchasing Meal Tickets FOR YOUR GUESTS and/or tickets to the Bay Cruise or Baseball Game during the online registration process, you will be able to update the quantity that you wish to purchase in your shopping cart at Checkout, before finalizing your purchase.

5. The Early Bird Discount ends Friday, March 15, 2013.

6. The Registration fee includes:

• Written Convention materials;
• An app for your iPad, tablet or smartphone containing written convention materials and additional materials;
• A link to download the materials online to your computer;
• Breakfast Friday, Saturday and Sunday, the Keynote luncheon on Friday, lunch on Saturday for Members only, and the Friday evening Reception.

Convention attendees do not need to purchase a meal ticket.

7. Attendees of NACBA’s 2013 Capitol Hill Meeting (Feb. 26-27, 2013) will receive a $100 discount on their Convention registration.

8. Each attendee will receive a compliementary copy of Recent Developments in Chapter 13 by Hon. Keith Lundin, Hon. William H. Brown and Henry Hilebrand and a complimentary e-book download of the 2013 Collier Pamphlet, containing the full text of the Bankruptcy Code and the Federal Rules Bankruptcy Procedure.

9. Roundtable Discussions are scheduled concurrently with other sessions and give attendees the opportunity in a small group setting to delve deeper into selected topics. They are available to NACBA members only and will be filled on a first-come, first-seated basis.

10. The Open Forums: Your opportunity to as questions on cases, business and advocacy efforts. CLE may not be available for Open Forums.

11. Refund policy
• Meal Tickets are N0N-REFUNDABLE, and should be purchased for
Guests only.
• Attendees do not need to purchase Meal Tickets; meals are covered by
• Cancellations received:
o On or before 5 pm PST Friday, March 29, 2013: 100%
o On or before 5 pm PST on Friday, April 12, 2013: 50% + materials
o After April 12, 2013: Program materials only

Cancellation/refund requests must be received in an email to: admin@NACBA.org

12. If Non-Attorney support staff attends without a NACBA member attorney, Non-Member Pricing is in effect.

13. Guest Meal Pass Information

Guests who purchase a guest meal ticket will receive a name badge that is required in order to enter Convention meal events. Guests will also find plentiful dining options adjacent to the hotel if they opt not to purchase a guest meal ticket.

The $100 guest meal ticket includes:

• Breakfast Fri., Sat., Sun., April 26 – 28, 2013
• Keynote luncheon, Fri., April 26, 2013, but not Sat. Member Luncheon
• Coffee breaks on Fri., Sat., and Sun.

NOTE: A guest meal ticket is not required to attend the Friday evening reception

To sign up go to:

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  1. April 26 – 28, 2013 – NACBA 21st Annual Convention | Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Los Angeles California

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