Proposal for a new form, revision to a form, and/or revision to a section of the Court Manual

Hi everyone,

I’m attaching a link to the court website which sets forth how to make a proposal for a new form, revision to a form, and/or revision to a section of the Court Manual below:

All requests must be submitted using a new form entitled Request for New or Modified Local Bankruptcy Rule, Form or Court Manual Section (Request Form). The Request Form was designed to provide the Court with the details necessary during the approval and implementation process. Since the deadline is fast approaching, I have attached a copy of the court’s public notice titled “ RE: PROCESS FOR PROPOSING REVISIONS TO THE COURT’S LBRs, FORMS, AND COURT MANUAL” that has additional information, as well as a copy of the Request Form.

Please feel free to forward to other bankruptcy attorneys.


Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux
Supervising Attorney  Public Counsel

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