February 6, 2013 – Presentation on New Order Processing Guidelines

Dear Colleagues!


On Feb 6th at noon, Jeff Cozad, Law Clerk to the Honorable Judge Vincent Zurzolo, will be giving a presentation at the LA County Bar Association about our LBR Revisions and the new Order Processing Guidelines. It is a one hour presentation, with our very own David Tilem moderating.

The handouts we will use are posted on the court’s website.

On the LBR page, there is a link to “Summary of LBR Revisions.” The link is not that great because it indicates “Redline and Summary of Local Bankruptcy Rules Effective January 2, 2013”. But if you click on the link, it takes you to a better link that indicates “Summary of Revisions to LBR Effective January 2, 2013”.

Also on the LBR forms page, click on F 9021-1.2.BK.NOTICE.LODGMENT. On the page where the form is located, there is a link to “Order Processing Guidelines.” That is the one-page reference that is posted outside Ctrm 1368 and posted on VZ section of the website.

Keith Higginbotham

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