Homeowner Bill of Rights

Hello, Happy Holidays

Please see the link below; it is a link to ConsumersUnion, and contains what I think is an excellent summary of the law about to take effect.  I assume the lenders have prepared & are preparing new forms for this, such as foreclosure notices & denial of loan modification applications. I also assume this is going to have an impact on the bankruptcy filings; it will likely slow them down for a month or so. And, for oppositions to motions for relief from the stay, if I were a debtor’s attorney I would include a copy of the loan mod. application (although getting a copy may be much easier said than done).

For creditors, as the attorney for the lender I would ask for copies of all letters denying any & all loan mod applications so to be prepared for the debtor who says he or she never received it. You just know that is going to be part of an opposition to the motion for relief from the stay.

David Brian Lally, Esq.
Law Office of David B. Lally
8001 Irvine Center Drive, Suite 1090
Irvine, CA 92618

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