National Forms Subcommittee Proposing a National Chp. 13 Plan

To my fellow Ch13 Brethern!

Please take note that there is a National Forms Subcommittee, called the “Working Group” headed by retired Judge Eugene Wedoff (retired Bankruptcy Judge from Chicago & one of the 3 authors of the Means Test) that is proposing the creation of a NATIONAL CHAPTER 13 PLAN. It is an effort to make the plan easier to understand and to combine Motions to Value & Motions to Avoid Liens through the plan in one document. Please review the draft as it will significantly affect our practice — both for creditors and debtors.

Our Judge Saltzman has been requested to participate in this endeavor and will be attending a meeting in mid-January. It would behoove you to provide comments in this endeavor.



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