Riverside News from Michael Gouveia

More Riverside news from our friend and member Michael Gouveia:

Your cases filed this week will be scheduled for creditors meetings at 3801 University, Riverside, CA 92501.  The Court has scheduled the Chapter 7 hearings for October 26 with both Mr. Cisneros and Ms. Bui’s hearings both being heard at the same place: 3801 University, Riverside, CA 92501.  The cases for October 29 will be: Danielson will be at 3801 University, Room 100-1 Anderson will be at 3801 University, Room 100-2 and Cohen will be at 3420 12th Street???

All the rest of week, the hearings will be on 3801 University (including Mr. Cohen’s November 1st hearing.)

The 14th Street/ Martin Luther King Blvd. Bridge on 91 freeway will be widened starting next week—for two years.  Expect major delays using that exit. If you are going to The Riverside Bankuptcy Court, use the Mission Inn Blvd. exit (7th street) off the 91 freeway, or exit off the 60 freeway as the 14th Street bridge will go from three lanes down to one.

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