CM/ECF Dictionary Updates Effective July 16, 2012


Filing Agent

Registered Attorneys, Trustees and US Trustees (this feature is not available to users registered as Limited Filers)will have the ability to create a CM/ECF filing login and password for their employees (paralegal or assistant) to file documents on their behalf. When a Filing Agent files on behalf of the attorney, only the attorney’s name displays on the docket. In addition the Attorneys, Trustees and US Trustees can run the transaction logs to identify the filings done by the Filing Agent.

ECF Account User Maintenance

With the deployment of the Filing Agent feature, Attorneys, Trustees and US Trustees will be able to update the following information on their CM/ECF Profiles via the Maintain : Phone and Fax numbers, primary and secondary email addresses. In addition, they will be able to make specific selections on how they would like to receive the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF).

Electronic Procedures can be accessed from CM/ECF Home Page > Registration/Training > Basic CM/ECF Online Training Courses > Filing Agents for Attorneys & Trustees, or from CM/ECF by accessing the Manual hyperlink in the menu bar.

Event Code Language Modifications
BK > Other > Amendment – Amending Schedules D, E, F for Ch 7, 11, & 13 (fee)
A message has been added to alert users to include the amended matrix listing only the creditors being added/modified.

Retired Event Code
BK > Trustee/US Trustee > Final Rpt/Acct-Asset
This event code is being retired as it was replaced by event code: Chapter 7 Trustees Final Report, Applications for Compensation.

Best regards,

ECF Help Desk
(213) 894-2365

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