Chapter 13 Plan Addendum Appears to be Moot According to the Court?

Good morning,

Consumer Bankruptcy attorney’s are well aware of the Addendum, the local form attached to the Chapter 13 Plan. And as we all know, there have been several years of litigation regarding the form, much of it spearheaded and defended by the law firm of Borowitz and Clark.

Well please see below from the Court’s Web Page. The use of the Addendum now appears to be moot according to the Court.

F 3015-1.1.ADDENDUM
Superseded by new national Proof of Claim forms B10A, B10S, and B10S2 — see Proof of Claim Forms on website

Addendum to Chapter 13 Plan Concerning Debtors Who are Repaying Debt Secured by a Mortgage on Real Property or a Lien on Personal Property the Debtor Occupies as the Debtor’s Principal Residence (Optional)

David Brian Lally, Esq.
Law Office of David B. Lally

FYI, that is exactly what Judge Kaufman told me in court a couple of weeks ago. Although, she added that Debtors can still use the Real Property Addendum if they wish. Our office will definitely continue to attach it to all Chp. 13 Plans for Debtors who own real property. 


One Reply to Chapter 13 Plan Addendum Appears to be Moot According to the Court?

  1. Great post. I was wondering if firms were still using this form or not.

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