Prof. Katie Porter to Speak at cdcbaa Program June 23, 2012

Next cdcbaa MCLE Program is sure to be a hit:

*Bankruptcy Mythbusters* *June 23, 2012*
*Southwestern Law School – 3050 Wilshire Boulevard – Westmoreland Building – 3rd Floor*

Panelist: Katherine Porter, A UC Irvine Law Professor.

General Meeting: 10:30am, CLE 11:00am-1:00pm

Many of you may know Prof. Porter as a UC Irvine Law Professor who was recently named by Attorney General Kamala Harris to serve as monitor of the mortgage settlement between California and five of the nation’s largest banks.  She is a nationally recognized expert in commercial and consumer law, has written several research articles taking aim at the banks and loan servicers for their [okay I’ll say it] FRAUD.  She is well versed in the mortgage crisis from a consumer perspective. Prof. Katie Porter CV

On October 15, 2011 Prof. Porter presented her Bankruptcy Mythbusters program at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges and received great reviews by some of our own judges and was mentioned in this blog article: National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges–10/15/2011 Mythbusters, by Stephen Sather.  This article is only a glimpse of what’s to come at our event. This should be very enlightening.

She has a book, Broke: How Debt Bankrupts the Middle Class by Stanford Press, 2012.  Those of us that read and/or write blogs know her contributions to Credit Slips blog as a co-founder and contributor.

By clicking on any of the links provided herein you will find plenty of information regarding her contributions to consumers, her country and our practice. We are certainly privileged to have her as our guest for our next MCLE event.

See you all there!

— Christine A. Wilton, Esq. Law Office of Christine A. Wilton

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