District Court, Central District Launches New Website

Notice from the Clerk:

The U.S. District Court for the Central District of California has a new public (Internet) website.  Official launch date is scheduled for Monday,  May 7, 2012; however, users may experience interruptions beginning 5:00  p.m. Friday, May 4th.

We are confident that you will be pleased with the improvements made to the  site.  We have provided special sections for frequent visitors, such as jurors, lawyers, members of the media, and litigants without lawyers .  We  have also reorganized the content with user-friendly navigation menus.

The full website will be under construction for the remainder of the  calendar year. During this time, it will be important to note the following:

1) Although the search feature has improved, search results will only  include items have been moved to the new website.
2) Any items remaining on the old website will be accessible via links from  the new website.
3) To assist you with searching items that have not been moved, we created  a site map that will help you navigate through the new site.
4) Although we used tools to find broken links, some may still exist. If  you encounter a broken link, please e-mail

We appreciate your patience during the construction period and welcome your feedback.

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