Orange County Bankruptcy Forum Brown Bag – May 10, 2012

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A college of lawyers and others dedicated to the study of bankruptcy and insolvency
May 10, 2012  OCBF Brown Bag Program


Speakers: Court Chambers Staff

All of us encounter difficulties from time to time in having our orders entered promptly.  All too often these orders are “bounced” for procedural reasons.  In this program the Chambers Staff – the judicial assistants, staff attorneys and law clerks for all five Santa Ana Judges will explain proper formatting and processing of orders.  They will discuss common mistakes to avoid.  And they say, “bring your questions.”  This program is appropriate for bankruptcy attorneys and for their staff.

Date/Time: Thursday, May 10, 2012 Registration 11:30 a.m. Program Commences at 12:00 p.m. SHARP   Location: Ronald Reagan Federal Building 411 W. 4th Street, Santa Ana Courtroom 5C

Cost: CBF Members and Government Employees $10 Non-Members $25 No-shows and cancellations received the day of the event will be billed automatically.

Check-in for the brown bag is located just past the security guards on the first floor of the courthouse.

Despite the name “Brown Bag,” no food or beverages are allowed in the meeting room.

THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT, SO REGISTER NOW! Register: Visit and follow the event link.   The above activity has been approved for Minimum Continuing Legal Education by the State Bar of California in the amount of 1.0 hour. OCBF certifies that this activity conforms to the standards for the approved education activities prescribed by the rules and regulations of the State Bar of California governing MCLE.

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