LACBA Program with Our Own Peter LIvely, May 8, 2012

Stepping Closer to Equality: The Post in Re: Balas and Morales Bankruptcy Landscape for Same-Sex Couples  


Presented by: Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section

Program Information: In June 2011, 20 judges of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California issued a joint opinion holding that lawfully married (i.e., pre-Prop. 8) same-sex couples have the same right to file joint bankruptcy petitions as lawfully married opposite-sex couples. However, where does that leave same-sex registered domestic partners, who are also subject to California’s community property system yet lack the ability to file a joint bankruptcy petition? Judge Robert Kwan and practitioners Peter Lively and Rob Pfister (the attorneys who litigated In re Balas & Morales) will provide an overview of the issues and challenges for bankruptcy attorneys advising same-sex couples, and will discuss possible solutions – including joint administration, substantive consolidation, and the possibility of a change in the Local Bankruptcy Rules.

Speakers: Hon. Robert R. Kwan, Los Angles Division of the United States Bankruptcy Court
Peter M. Lively, Law Offices of Peter M. Lively
Robert J. Pfister, Klee, Tuchin, Bogdanoff & Stern LLP

Location: Los Angeles County Bar Association 1055 West 7th Street, 27th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017

Parking: Self Parking is available for $10.00.

Times: Registration: 11:30 AM-12:00 PM Meal/Reception: 11:30 AM-12:00 PM Program: 12:00 PM-1:00 PM Custom Communication: Appropriate For All Levels

Prices: CLE+ Members (meal not included) FREE CLE+ Plus Members with meal $20.00 Law Students with meal $25.00 Commercial Law & Bankruptcy Section Members with meal $55.00 Family Law Members with meal $55.00 Diversity Committee Members with meal $55.00 LACBA Members with meal $65.00 All Others with meal $95.00

1 hr CLE Credit

Registration Code: 011663

While advance registration (both online and via phone) closes for most programs approximately 12-24 hours before event time (in order to allow for operational considerations), we would still like to have you join us, and you are more than welcome to register on-site and attend, unless the program is specifically notes as SOLD OUT.

The LACBA Online Event Registration System will not allow multiple registrations (e.g. one person registering multiple people), although one person may register him or herself for multiple events.

For assistance with multiple registrations or if you wish to register by Phone with Visa, MasterCard or American Express please call our Member Services Department at (213) 896-6560 Mon-Fri, 9 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.

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The Los Angeles County Bar Association is a State Bar of California MCLE approved provider. If this is a CLE event, the Los Angeles County Bar Association certifies that this activity has been approved for MCLE credit. CLE events will state the amount and type of credit offered in the calendar listing.

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