REMINDER RE: Master Mailing List (List of Creditors) and List of Creditors in Text (.txt) Format

ATTENTION ALL PETITION FILERS RE: REMINDER RE: Master Mailing List (List of Creditors) and List of Creditors in Text (.txt) Format

This is a reminder that when filing petitions electronically via the CM/ECF system, the Master Mailing List (List of Creditors) must be submitted as the last document to the petition PDF.  Omitting this document will cause a deficiency notice to be issued by the court.

In addition, the electronic version of the List of Creditors must be uploaded in Text (.txt) format as an additional step once the petition has been filed.  Omiting this step will cause a Notice of Dismissal of Case if Required Documents are not filed within 72 hours.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Best regards,

ECF Help Desk (213) 894-2365

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